Monday, April 23, 2007

Yom Hazikaron

Having been here less than a year there is very little that I can say about this day. In many ways Yom Hazikaron makes me feel more like an American than ever. However, there is something that I would like to share.

It is hard for Jews to be awed by numbers, because we are inundated with one big one: 6,000,000. Quantities lose meaning, and therefore seeing the number 22,500 really doesn't hit me.

There are three ways that I can connect to this day.

The first is watching videos like this in order to gain an understanding of what those 22,500 lives meant.

The second is a point that I heard this morning from a friend who pointed out the irony of the day. It is a day of remembrance, and for far too many families, a day of sadness. However, at the same time it is an incredible day of achdus. I know that the "real" Yeshivas are not doing anything practical to commemorate the day and I have no taina with them. But, unfortunately, their is no concept that brings people together like nonexistence. Death somehow has a way of making us forget our shtuyot. And that is why I get ticked off when I hear small minded people complaining one way or another about the practices of the day. This Yeshiva had a commemoration, this one didn't. Who cares. Get over yourselves and realize that what we do is not the point-- its where we are at. Today, other than a few psychos, we are all in the same place. And that is special.

The third way that I connect is through the understanding of what I have done to my family as a result of making aliya. At this point I cannot have a true understanding of what Yom Hazikaron is. But I will. Hopefully in as distant a way as possible.

The things we do for this crazy place.


Jameel @ The Muqata said...

OOS: It's sad that the way we find ourselves integrating into Israeli society is via death.

Thanks for the post. I know the Mandel's appreciate the publicity of the video.

Anonymous said...

OOS: I really wanted to say thanks from America. It's very hard to connect to Israel while sitting here in America, and your words help a ton. They are always well thought out.
I was also asked to let you know that there's a chevrah in YU that very much enjoy and benefit from your posts. Someone asked me tonight to ask you to post as much as you can.
Chag Sameach, Hooie

anonymous said...

yeah, kepp em coming z

MHW said...

Though I know you from the momment you were born, I am awed by your sensitivity and ability to see and understand.

MoChassid said...

and MHW isn't just saying that because she's your mom!

OOS said...

Of course not. She is coming from a perfectly objective vantahe point.